Adventus DF [ukuran zee_button =”lg” jinis =”utami” url =”” teks =”Tuku Saiki” lambang =”glyphicon glyphicon-plus”] [ukuran zee_button =”lg” jinis =”success” url =”” teks =”Download Tur” lambang =”glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt”]
[zee_columns][ukuran zee_column =”6″ id =”kolom1″] [/zee_column][ukuran zee_column =”6″ id =”kolom2″]This is the first Adventus version revisited. I played again with it and was impressed by the sounding of this release. i decided to give this synth a new life.
Huruf DF kanggo “Pindho Nyaring” this version have two filter that can be separated left and right, kabeh osilator lan opsi FAT sing splited ngiwa lan nengen, iki menehi iki Cindy sethitik banget sudhut swara stereo. I added to it the best Adventus 1.5 options like the X-Knob and filter velocity respond.
Easy to use for beginner or pro synth players, you will be totaly inspired by the sound and the presets when come the time to create or play music.
With Adventus DF you will get ready to use inspiring presets for Lead, Pad, bass sound for Trance, techno and other kind of music composition.[/zee_column]
[zee_columns][ukuran zee_column =”4″ id =”kolom1″]Rihanna – We found love (Adventus VSTi & DF)
[/zee_column][ukuran zee_column =”4″ id =”kolom2″]Radio Killer – Lonely Heart
[/zee_column][ukuran zee_column =”4″ id =”kolom3″]Playlist- Multiple Adventus demo videos songs
[zee_columns][ukuran zee_column =”6″ id =”kolom1″]- Phase Mod (instead of ring mod)
- Improved filter
- use less CPU
- Filter respond to velocity (very cool)
- Phase Mod (instead of ring mod)
- Filter respond to velocity (very cool)
- X-knob, modify resonnance curve. turn left and the resonnance decrease as the cutoff increase. turn right and the resonnance increase as the cutoff increase.
- 6 Oscillators with Fat options.
- Waveforms: Saw, Sine, Triangle, Pulse, Ramp, White Noise.
- Portamento Controls.
- Volume control, Fine-tune, Semi-tune, Pulse Width, Phase Modulation, Velocity and Velo to Filter sensitivity, Key follow, Key-Track.
- 6 Resonant Filters: 12dB, 24dB, Moog Filter Types: 3 diferents Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Band Reject ADSR’s with parameter locking facility Amplifiers with controls for Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release
- Modulation with substantial routing options: 2 assignement with 2 destinations each.
- 2 x LFO’s with substantial routing options Mode, Range, Beat Step Sequencer with control for Pitch, Filter, and FX paremeter, Phase Modulation option.
- Effects: Chorus, Phaser, Twin Delay, Reverb, Phase Mod, Drive (Distortion)
- Other Features: 6 note polyphonic operation Mono/Legato/Polyphonic control Midi CC control.
- Double Filter spread left & right for wider sounds