Adventus DF [cabirka zee_button =”lg” nooca =”aasaasiga ah” url =”” qoraal =”Buy Now” astaan =”glyphicon glyphicon-lagu daray”] [cabirka zee_button =”lg” nooca =”success” url =”” qoraal =”Download Demo” astaan =”glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt”]
[zee_columns][cabirka zee_column =”6″ id =”safka1″] [/zee_column][cabirka zee_column =”6″ id =”column2″]This is the first Adventus version revisited. I played again with it and was impressed by the sounding of this release. i decided to give this synth a new life.
Warqaddu waxay DF waxaa loogu talagalay “Filter Double” this version have two filter that can be separated left and right, Mahad Abshir oo dhan iyo xulashada FAT yihiin splited bidix iyo midig, this this yar synth siin rikoor dhawaaq aad u ballaaran. I added to it the best Adventus 1.5 options like the X-Knob and filter velocity respond.
Si fudud loo isticmaali bilaabayso ama ciyaartoy synth pro, waxaa laguu totaly la waxyooday doonaa by the codka iyo presets marka yimaadaan waqtiga si ay u abuuraan ama muusiko.
With Adventus DF you will get ready to use inspiring presets for Lead, Pad, bass sound for Trance, techno and other kind of music composition.[/zee_column]
[zee_columns][cabirka zee_column =”4″ id =”safka1″]Rihanna – Waxaan jacayl helay (Adventus VSTi & DF)
[/zee_column][cabirka zee_column =”4″ id =”column2″]Radio Killer – Heart naxdin
[/zee_column][cabirka zee_column =”4″ id =”column3″]Playlist- Multiple Adventus demo videos songs
[zee_columns][cabirka zee_column =”6″ id =”safka1″]- Wajiga Ducooyinkii (halkii ay giraantu Ducooyinkii)
- Improved filter
- isticmaali Babbage yar
- Uga jawaabo Filter si xawaare (aad u qabow)
- Wajiga Ducooyinkii (halkii ay giraantu Ducooyinkii)
- Uga jawaabo Filter si xawaare (aad u qabow)
- X-IU, ka beddeli qalooca resonnance. bidix iyo hoos u dhac resonnance sida kororka xadka ayaa u leexo. xaq iyo korodhka resonnance sida kororka xadka ayaa u leexo.
- 6 Kawtame leh fursado Fat.
- Waveforms: Arag, Its, Triangle, Pulse, Ramp, Buuq White.
- Ay gacanta ku mamo.
- Control Volume, Fine-habayn, Semi-habayn, Width Pulse, Qasriyo Wajiga, Xawaaraha iyo Velo miiro dareen, Dabagal Key, Key-Track.
- 6 Fiidyow Resonant: 12dB, 24dB, Noocyada Filter Moog: 3 diferents Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Band diido ADSR ee leh u dhimaya nabadgelyada xirid llaahi xarunta kontaroolka for Attack, Bololka, Loo gestay, Release
- Qasriyo leh fursado isdaba ool: 2 assignement kula 2 geyneysa kasta.
- 2 x damaciisa uu la ool ah fursadaha shruudaha Mode, Range, Beat Sequencer Tallaabada leh gacanta loogu talagalay Axzaab, Filter, iyo paremeter FX, Wajiga qasriyo fursad.
- Effects: Heesa, Phaser, Twin Dib, Reverb, Wajiga Ducooyinkii, Drive (Distortion)
- Features Other: 6 la soco hawlgalka Polyphonic Carving / Legato / Polyphonic Gabdho gacanta ku CC gacanta.
- Double Filter spread left & right for wider sounds